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Components don\'t build properly with PolymerLabs/lit-element...
来自 : CSDN技术社区 发布时间:2021-03-25

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\"weixin_39966765\" weixin_39966765 2020-12-02 16:10 首页 开源项目 Components don\'t build properly with PolymerLabs/lit-element-build-rollup


Clone https://github.com/PolymerLabs/lit-element-build-rollupUpdate lit-element to latest (2.1.0)Build and verify that build works (it does ;))Add a component e.g. npm install /mwc-button import/add in my-element(The element version is 0.5.0)Clean and build

Two things happen:

the build throws an error:
src/index.js → build/index.js...(!) this has been rewritten to undefined https://rollupjs.org/guide/en#error-this-is-undefinednode_modules//mwc-button/mwc-button.js1: var __decorate this this.__decorate || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {2: var c arguments.length,3: r c 3 ? target : desc null ? desc Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc,...and 1 other occurrence

and 2. the app never renders - but throws an error in the console:

util.js:43 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property appendChild of null at detectEdgePseudoVarBug (util.js:43) at supportsCssVariables (util.js:76) at ripple-directive.js:26

Using the rollup script from https://open-wc.org/building/building-rollup.html works with the mwc-elements.

Also, other elements done with lit-element work (with the PolymerLabs/lit-element-build-rollup script).

Theory: The TypeScript compiler creates extra boilerplate code for properties that is not compatible with the simple rollup script.

captaincodeman (polymer slack) suggested adding this to the typescript config of the components (I didn t have a chance to try yet):

 noEmitHelpers : true, importHelpers : true,

该提问来源于开源项目 material-components/material-components-web-components

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\"weixin_39834780\" weixin_39834780 3月前

It seems like there might be a de facto standard of sorts where folks transpile the guts of a module but leave the import/export syntax in place. If I were transpile inert to ES5 but leave the import/export syntax would that negatively affect y all?

It won t break anything in MWC, but it will probably slightly increase bundle size (since transpiled classes are larger), and it makes the code a little less debuggable in the browser. I don t think this module actually has any imports/exports, it s all side-effects. (But if it did, shipping ES5 transpiled code but with module syntax seems pretty odd, because you don t get the benefit of it working out-of-the-box in older browsers, but you also remove the possibility of serving smaller/faster code to modern browsers).

Sounds like this should have been a breaking change (totally my bad too, since we discussed it and I didn t know about this kind of use case), but TBH I don t think the fact that certain webpack configurations expect the module field to contain ES5 code is a compelling reason to shy away from publishing ES2015 to NPM. IMO if a user needs to support older browsers, they should have a build process that transpiles all their code, including dependencies, to ES5.

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\"weixin_39844549\" weixin_39844549 3月前

btw I think this lead to an issue where folks using webpack were expecting a transpiled version to come through in the module field. https://github.com/WICG/inert/issues/136

It seems like there might be a de facto standard of sorts where folks transpile the guts of a module but leave the import/export syntax in place. If I were transpile inert to ES5 but leave the import/export syntax would that negatively affect y all?

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\"weixin_39834780\" weixin_39834780 3月前

Thanks for fixing and releasing ! NPM install should already pick up the new version (users may need to delete package-lock.json and node_modules/ first). I also just bumped our own dependency on inert, to ensure the next MWC release will require Rob s fix.

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\"weixin_39926103\" weixin_39926103 3月前

I can confirm the new wicg-inert version works with Rollup bundling. Thanks .

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\"weixin_39844549\" weixin_39844549 3月前

I think we re distributed as a UMD module so, AMD if it s available, or CommonJS, else global.

I think the second option of using the module field to point at an ES Module version sounds like a plan.

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\"weixin_39834780\" weixin_39834780 3月前

I ll re-open this until the wicg-inert issue is fixed and we bump the dependency here.

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\"weixin_39834780\" weixin_39834780 3月前

I m not sure I understand what is causing the bug. can you explain it to me?

This repo (MWC) uses JavaScript modules, and we import wicg-inert as a JavaScript module (see https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web-components/blob/b1d1640c9c3b27ec0f3c9054c1b2a158f23a891a/packages/drawer/src/mwc-drawer-base.ts#L23).

However wicg-inert is distributed as an AMD module (not a JavaScript module), so it has the standard AMD initialization boilerplate at the top of the file, which includes a reference to a top-level this (see https://unpkg.com/browse/wicg-inert.1.3/dist/inert.js). That this is usually window and AMD uses it to put things into a global namespace.

In JavaScript modules, top-level this is undefined (not window). In general, it doesn t make sense to import an AMD module as though it were a JavaScript module. In the particular case of wicg-inert, the library doesn t export anything, and is only used for its side-effects, so the this is never actually used. But when Rollup processes this import, it still notices this problem and errors.

IMO the solution here is that wicg-inert should either not be compiled to an AMD module at all (especially since it doesn t export anything), or there needs to be a second JavaScript module output, with the package.json module field set to that output (Rollup and other JavaScript-module aware tools will prefer module over main ).

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\"weixin_39844549\" weixin_39844549 3月前

I m not sure I understand what is causing the bug. can you explain it to me?

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\"weixin_39926103\" weixin_39926103 3月前

I filed a separate issue against the wicg-inert repo (see above) that appears to be a dependency for certain components. Does it make sense to reopen this issue until the dependency issue is resolved as you ll likely need to update package.json for any affected components?

For example, mwc-drawer won t function within a Rollup bundle until this is resolved.


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\"weixin_39834780\" weixin_39834780 3月前

When can we expect NPM component releases including this fix? Thanks!

Just released 0.8.0 with this change in it. Enjoy!

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\"weixin_39926103\" weixin_39926103 3月前

When can we expect NPM component releases including this fix? Thanks!

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\"weixin_39834780\" weixin_39834780 3月前

(Copying my comment from #323 here)

We should set importHelpers: true and add a dependency on tslib so that the helpers like __decorate are imported from that module instead of inlined. This should also help code size and performance, since currently every element has its own duplicate of __decorate (and maybe some other helpers), not to mention most typescript users are also going to need this function too.

(This is arguably also a tsc bug, in that when emitting a module, this and var aren t going to set globals, so not only is there a copy of each helper at every call site, there is no runtime de-duplication via globals.)

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\"weixin_39966765\" weixin_39966765 3月前 you are right on the rollup warnings being separate (they also turn up on the open-wc build, I see) 点赞 评论 复制链接分享

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\"weixin_39706367\" weixin_39706367 3月前

Just to clear something up ...

I think you have 2 different issues here. The noEmitHelpers and importHelpers prevent the rollup build warnings and also reduce the overall bundle size (decorators imported from tslib instead of repeated in each component).

That s separate to why the app might not be rendering.

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\"weixin_39966765\" weixin_39966765 3月前

Related to: https://github.com/PolymerLabs/lit-element-build-rollup/issues/6

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本文链接: http://polymerlabs.immuno-online.com/view-771642.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)